Enhancement of wind energy at sea

To achieve its renewable energy goals, the Netherlands is working on more offshore wind energy. The energy agreement outlines the route for the implementation of offshore wind energy. This is part of the objectives for 2030 as an intermediate point towards the development of a CO2 neutral energy system in 2050.

Windmolens op zee

Roadmap 2030

The Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap 2030 has been amended with the supplementary roadmap from 2022. For 2030, the ambitions for offshore wind energy have been doubled to an installed capacity of approximately 21 gigawatts. For more information: Offshore wind energy (rvo.nl)

Roadmap 2030-2050 and future developments

Further growth in offshore wind energy is also expected after 2030. This will be more of a combination of electricity and hydrogen production in the North Sea. After 2030, offshore wind energy will come to larger, more distant areas in the North Sea. For more information: Offshore wind energy (rvo.nl)

TNO measurement program

In the context of support for further rollout of offshore wind energy, TNO carries out multi-year wind measurements on various platforms in the North Sea, on behalf of the Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth. Since 2014, meteorological measurements with LiDAR systems have been carried out on existing offshore platforms, with the aim of mapping the wind conditions in the North Sea as accurately as possible.

The platforms on which measurements are currently being carried out are Lichteiland Goeree (LEG), Europlatform (EPL), K13A and L2-FA-1.

This data is publicly accessible and is available via Data.

Aanvullende routekaart windenergie op zee 2030/2031

Additional roadmap offshore wind energy 2030/2031