L2-FA-1 platform

The L2-FA-1 offshore platform owned by NAM B.V. is located north of the Frisian Islands, 80 kilometers from the coast. The coordinates of the platform are: 53°58′ NB, 4°30′ OL. The platform serves as a production platform for natural gas.



The Wind Energy department of TNO Energy Transition & Materials carries out a meteorological measurement program for the government (Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth) in the Dutch part of the North Sea. We provide developers and other interested parties with information about the meteorological conditions for future wind farms in the North Sea. We are currently carrying out measurements at four measuring locations (Europlatform – EPL, K13A, L2-FA-1 and Lichteiland Goeree – LEG). In addition, historical data sets are available from a number of measurement locations, such as Meteorological Measuring Mast IJmuiden (MM-IJ) and Meteorological Measuring Mast OWEZ (MM-OWEZ).

Measurement campaign

Since spring 2023 TNO is performing meteorological measurements on L2-FA-1 with a ZX LiDAR. All the data is stored in a database and is made publicly available on this website.

The LIDAR measures wind speeds and directions far above the mast, at 63, 91, 116, 141, 166, 191, 216, 241, 266, and 291 meter. The LIDAR signals provided are general signals and measurement height specific signals.

Acronym Signal name Units
L2FA_batvoltage Battery Voltage V
L2FA_tempcpu CPU temperature inside the LiDAR deg C
L2FA_humpod Relative Humidity inside the LiDAR %
L2FA_bearing LiDAR Bearing Deg
L2FA_tilt LiDAR tilt angle Deg
L2FA_pair Air Pressure at LiDAR position hPa
L2FA_wsmet Wind speed measured by LiDAR meteo station m/s
L2FA_wdmet Wind direction measured by LiDAR meteo station Deg
L2FA_HXXX_npts Measuring points
L2FA_HXXX_missed Missed points
L2FA_HXXX_npackets Packets in fit
L2FA_HXXX_Wd Wind direction Deg
L2FA_HXXX_Wshor_av Horizontal wind speed average m/s
L2FA_HXXX_Wshor_std Horizontal wind speed standard deviation m/s
L2FA_HXXX_Wshor_min Horizontal wind speed minimum m/s
L2FA_HXXX_Wshor_max Horizontal wind speed maximum m/s
L2FA_HXXX_WsVer_avg Vertical wind speed average m/s

LiDAR installation and Maintenance – ZX-300(M)

In order to be able to carry out wind speed measurements, a ZX 300M has been installed which can measure up to 300 meters above sea level.
The laser beam is eye-safe according to IEC EN 60825-1, January 2008.

Since March 2023  the LiDAR performs measurements at the platform. The LiDAR is regularly maintained and replaced with a newly calibrated LiDAR.

Data validation

During measurements failures can occur. This is why the measured data is checked for errors to prevent ‘pollution’ of the database. This happens in two steps:

1. The measurement computer checks for failures such as

  • No connection with a sensor
  • No connection with the measurement system
  • A value of a signal exceeds a minimum or maximum value

2. The measured data is daily checked manually for deviations

This data is filtered out and marked as ‘invalid’. When requesting the data from the database the ‘invalid’ data is not provided, so the user can be confident working with valid data.


Measurements on platforms LEG, EPL, K13A and L2-FA-1 are performed by TNO under accreditation 'L324 meteorological measurement'.

L324 - Raad voor Accreditatie (rva.nl)


To download the data from L2-FA-1, you will be redirected to the Nimbus website, after registration, the data is accessible. The Nimbus website is only available in English.

Download data